Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Fashion tips

Hello everyone, today as I was doing my hair with my hairbrush, it occurred to me I believe I have no taste in fashion, however I don't think I'm the only guy that experiences this problem.  so I thought hom, what would happen if I wrote a blog on this. So this is exactly what I have set out to do. Here I intend to list you for fashion tips.  Fashion tip number one. When doing your hair, do not use hair gel is it absolutely stinks. Instead use your favorite type of cologne.  Take your favorite type of spray on cologne or any kind of liquid cologne, and put some on your head. Yes it will burn, but you're a man you should be able to take it.  Men act all tough, fine don't whimper when it burns. Once you've gotten over the first initial shock of your head feeling like there's a small fire, take your hands and rub your hands through your hair, effectively putting the cologne all through your hair.  Then take your favorite hairbrush, probably some cheap little plastic dollar store disposable thing. And run it through your hair as if you're combing your hair, essentially that's what you're doing.  Fashion tip number to tuk your shirt in.  When going out to a place in public, make sure that you have your shirt so that it is not flopping everywhere, people do not want to see your chest or your gut. Most people could care less about your six pack abs.  Frankly when I see a guy going around strutting his six packs of abs, I just say that looks like a really tempting target to punch him right in the gut.  Of course I don't do that, because it would lead to more problems, but when I hear a guy running his mouth thinking that he's better than someone else because he works out, oh I am so tempted.  Let me tell you something big tough guy, guess what no one cares, get over yourself.  Fashion tip number three, use shaving cream when shaving.  Yes I know, you have a high pain tolerance I get it. But here's something to think about, if you would rather have your face looking completely clean-shaven instead of having those big giant blobs of hair, you shaving cream.  Shaving cream actually does help the hair stand up on your face, yes the razor will no longer feel like it's ripping the hair out by the roots, but instead it will glide smoother and you'll notice a much cleaner shave. And finally fashion tip number four. Clipping your fingernails.  Yes I know this sounds like a chore doesn't, why can't we just let them grow? Who cares that we can get bacteria in her fingers right? We're guys we play in dirt all the time. We don't care as long as we can get clean after about a week right?  Absolutely not. When you clip your fingernails, make sure you clip so that the fingernails are following the finger, don't let your fingernails jet out.  Oh and, I just thought of my fifth final fashion tip.  Final fashion tip, fashion tip number five.  Take a shower at least three times a week.  Yes, I know you don't care for water. I know you're allergic to it. But guess what if you want to be respected, don't go smelling like an alligator and a pig just decided to meet  up on the street and have a mutated child.  Believe it or not cleanliness means you are clean, and these other fashion tips mean absolutely nothing if you do not clean your body.  So guys, even though you seem like you're allergic to soap and water, it actually is good for you.  Yes, you'll get dirty, so what's the point right? Well the point is if you go looking for respect, or you want people to compliment you on your six pack abs, be clean. If you're not clean everyone's just going to walk away from you, and all the respect you crave, you're not gonna get it  I have one final note to say. Guys, a lot of people don't like to submit to fashion, and we don't like to submit to authority is Dewey? But guys, the best authority to submit yourselves to is Jesus Christ.  Interestingly enough, even Jesus had a fashion sense, and if you follow these fashion tips given to you, it will make following Jesus Christ even easier. And ladies, if you're reading this blog, this next part goes out to you and to the men reading this blog As well.  If you don't know Jesus Christ, get on your knees and pray for forgiveness, make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior.  If you believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again for your sins, and you believe in your heart that you are a sinner, and you are not afraid to be persecuted for the world will hate you. Then tell God this.   Tell the Lord something like this. Lord, I know I am a sinner, and I know that you sent Jesus Christ to take my place on the cross, and not only do I know this, I believe it. I'm sorry for all the sins, all the wrongdoings I have ever done to you or others.  I know I would've rather have lived for the world, but right now I'm desperate, I need your guidance. There is no way, no way that I can survive without you Lord holding my hand.  I know that if I accept Jesus Christ, that I will make it into heaven, and I am willing to submit to the authority of Jesus Christ, and I do believe that Jesus Christ took my place on the cross, and I will not be afraid to stand up for the cause of Christ. Lord Jesus I'm asking you to come in my heart and to change me, make this old man pass away from me  allow me to be coming new creature in Jesus Christ, I pray this in Jesus name amen. 

 Friend, if you have excepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, then welcome to the family. I would suggest to start reading the New Testament, either start with John, or Romans, or acks. You can also get involved with free literature programs from Christian organizations that will help you on your walk with Christ.  Also, if you have a smart phone, I would suggest getting Bible Gateway, and the Bible app from life church, those will get you started.  Jesus Christ saved me into thousand 16, if you go through this blog, you will see so many different aspects before I was a Christian, and if I continue writing here, you will see a new creature in Jesus Christ. If the Lord can change  me, he can change you.  

  Thank you for reading, and may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.    

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