Thursday, September 25, 2014

ranting on teaching.

Hello all, I've been hard at work. I am now a minister, I've been recording new music, helping with ham radio activities and all sorts of other things.

 Now I've got to rant a bit about some things thats been on my mind as of late.
 Lets say you're teaching a student music, what would be the first thing you would teach him or her.
 Scales? Terms? Notation? Cords?
 Well, if your me, I would teach you nothing. I would guide you, however.

 You don't start a child out with a bike if he or she cant walk so why teach a student cords or scales or concepts or notation. Thats just stupid in my book.
 i think a student should be allowed to make mistakes, you need to sit there and make music with the student, let them start playing, let them lead you. let them feel like they're helping you or like their in charge. you need to be a friend not just a teacher. that way the student won't feel bashful about asking a question down the road, get them interested in cords buy playing cords wen you play with them. that way they can ask wen their ready, "hey what are you doing"
 Then you can tell them "I am playing something known as cords to ad some melody to our piece of music" that way they won't feel pressured you're playing with them. Don't force your student to learn cords or something, let them experiment. Let them ask questions, they may come up with their own style.
 i had someone who was going to try to teach me. alls they did was showed off. thats the wrong way to do, he needed to include me and show me or let me lead, that way as the student I felt like I was contributing to something. instead I ended up teaching myself because he never showed me anything. this is why i say notes and all this stuff is important but you don't need to know it to make music. i am learning, we all are learning. don't try to teach someone music, let them teach you how to teach them.that way you're a guide and also a pier instead of a teacher. it makes both people feel better.
 I've been on both side of the fence, I know what I am talking about. I've worked with people and they love how I work with them because I include them and don't play over their levels if I did that, they would be discouraged and would not want to play.
 If you're a teacher don't you start tapping while your student is having problems even fingering a fret. Thats rude and it kills their ambition. wen a student makes mistakes, don't shut them down for it, don't try to fix it, let them keep doing it because they will figure out on their own that it does not work, then they can ask you what they're doing wrong. remember your a teacher, you're not an in forcer, in my case i don't teach, i am a guide, i guide them to make the correct choices, wen you start learning theory and things of that nature, go to someone other than me, because I hardly know that stuff. but i do know how to guide and make someone feel welcome and help someone to want to keep playing. thats more important than flash and knowing all sorts of names for things you know how to do. i can show how to do  a cord or how to tap but why is the name value important. it's not to me. you can know all the names in the world of different scales and cords and notes but if you know all that stuff and pick up the instrument, thats not making you a better player. i'll out play you every time. you know why? because I play to play, you people play to be flashy. well flashy is not everything people. playing with heart and emotion will always win out over someones flashiness.
 It shows wen someone knows what they're doing or had gotten it from a book.
 Not saying that stuff won't help you, because I've seen fine players come out of that style of playing, but it's not always the best way and it won't make you a better player putting names to your cords and notes.
 Lets remember to love and help always.
 Everyone take care.
 Minister James Clark. This is KC3CDV saying 73 to all.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

why I don't like digital

why I hate digital buy James Clark.
 I hate digital amps and pedals for the following reasons, one they effect your sound in a bad way.
 wen you kick on an amp you don't want a digital hum, you want a real smooth sounding noiseless amp and you don't want delay from kicking on the pedals.
 2 they suck your tone. wen your in bypass on an analog pedal you cant tell theres a pedal hooked up, wen your on a digital pedal however theres still that hum and its vary loud, I can hear it in my ears, and if I hear something I don't like then I won't use it.
  3 they don't emulate as good as analog pedals.
 what I mean is the noise thats already been addressed, but how they sound is another thing as well, they sound forced and really muffled, wen you kick on a distorted amp, the noise mixed with the tone is a wall of static and just don't sound good. wen your using analog however, the only noise thats there is the emulation of the tubes and theres a manufacture that does a great job on that, the only place i'll buy from for my pedals from now on is tech21nyc.
 not only are their pedals american made, but there built like little tanks. the zoom unit I've got is plastic and I am afraid to gig with it, I've already had to replace a nob myself because it snapped off while playing it in studio.
 the last thing I hate about digital is the bypass, tech21 does buffered bypass so that wen your running pedals in a chain it won't suck tone, zoom on the other hand has a digital bypass and its noisy because of it. again you lost tone on the digital bypass and not buffered bypass.
 why did I compose this? well because I wanted to, and also to let people know my thoughts on why I won't use digital gear. people get in my face wen I tell them I hate digital and I felt that I could express myself better in composing this than speaking it.

 peace and love to all, the great maker knows your name.
 stay happy and hopeful. may you find your inner light and gnosis and your pathway in life.
 --- James

Sunday, June 8, 2014

the almighty ham saved the day.

as some of you might know, I am invallved with something called skywarn, and we spot weather. anyway, so today there were 2 thunderstorms and I had to report to a group of hams who were relaying information, we were staying safe, and thanks to my brother bringing his ham to church, we managed to stop a woman from heading rite into the storms pathway because she heard my report over timothies radio.
 now aint it a great thing wen we can help someone without even knowing we did it at the time?
 i love that. 

 anyway all is good hear just thought we would update.

 this is KC3CDV until nexttime, 73.
 KC3CDV Clear.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

woo its been a while.

so whats been new. lets find out.
 well, i took the skywarn weather spotter test, and now, am a skywarn spotter. just as of now need my ID.
 lets see what is going on besides that. well before composing this blog, i just got done listening to michael manring's Soliloquy. just a fantastic cd.

 i got myself the tech21 red ripper ive been wanting for a while, now my bass will rip your face off with fuz. still need a few pedals for the pedalboard to be the way I want it to be for gigs if i ever get the chance to play out. but we are getting there.
 we got new strings for the bass as well.
 needed those LOL.

 thats about it folks. as you can see, ive been working hard at working hard.
 reading, playing bass, and ham radio, and weather spotting, thats my life. remember folks you can always tweet me
 hope to hear from you soon. take care and remember the mother of wisdom and  living father know your name. remember we are children of the living mother and father and can find our own gnosis, the personal pathway to our own gnosis.
 peace to all.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


hello there, words cant describe what this means to me, know clue why this means so much, but it does. today I was talking on ham radio as I do a lot, and I came across this station, and we chatted for a bit and I asked him, so what is this  USS LEXINGTON? he said it was a ship off the shore of southtexas and he said, james you had better log this in your logbook, I said why man? he goes because you are the first person to contact the USS LEXINGTON. so I loged them down in my logbook. no idea why this means so much to me, but it does. i'll always remember this.
 just had a nice QSO with the USS LEXINGTON, im the first person to connect outside of their normal area, what an honor.

 I cant believe it.

 well thats my day so far, yall should get your ham exams passed, fire up that radio, call for me and i'll come back if I hear you.

 73 from KC3CDV

Monday, March 10, 2014

DX contacting.

hello there, KC3CDV hear, for those of you that don't know what DX is, its a neet way of saying contacting people or as we hams like to say "stations" out of the country.
 so anyway.
 I had a DX station today from Ontario Canada on a handheld ham radio, later today I also had a contact with south wails in the UK.. now I am in the US, and thats incredible, I worked canada and also the UK all in one day, the best part? it was all on 2 meeters now thats a days hard work done.

 so glad I got my ham radio and passed the exam.

 this is KC3CDV saying 73 to everyone, and I am clear.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

greetings from KC3CDV

hello all, its your nightmair giving person who rites these blogs only for his own reasons of doing said things. LOL.
 well if you have never seen a ham callsign before, you have seen one in the title of this blog. if you did not read the last blog, you will not remembered the fact that I took my ham exam. if you did read the blog you would remember that I was waighting for my callsign to be issued.
 well, it came, my call is KC3CDV and today I worked a guy in NY, that means I talked to him in NY for those of you who know no ham lingo.
 I used a little hand held radio, and the coolest thing of all? I did it all on 1 wat of power. now how insane is that. if you don't find that cool you need your head examed, because that is the coolest thing in the world. plus the radio I got is blind user friendly. all this at 35 bucks, vs the big 3 brands of ham radio that arnt blind friendly unless you install stuff on them.
 but regardless, I am happy and cant stop beeing amazed at the fact i worked a guy in NY and im in PA. how cool is that.

 allrite yall, well yall stay out of trouble or KC3CDV might hear it on the ham.

 take care.

 KC3CDV saying 73 and  out.

Friday, February 21, 2014

ham radio exam.

ive not composed a blog for a while because I did not know what to rite about. well after a month of studying I now have something to rite about. I am a ham. yes a ham radio operater.
 I knew I could do this if I had the rite support system and I got it. yes. I am a ham. I am so happy. this is a dream come true folks. ive wanted to be a ham ever sence I was a little kid and found out ham radio thrue shortwave.

 I remember telling my teachers one day i'll be a ham. well folks, today its true. i passed the exam, i missed 1 and ive been back home for about an hour now. also the other thing is the test was free. a lot of other groups that give the tests are needing payed. not this group. I am so happy, words cant disscribe it. you know that taylor swift song called change? well thats the story of my life now. a lot of my friends or people who I knew were hams , I always saw them getting their ham tickets, and I could not get mine because one thing or another. well today and after a month of studying, I took my first ever ham exam and nailed it.

 it was the night things changed. I fought for what I wanted all these years, it was the fight of a lifetime, and now I am a ham. thank you.
 hope you enjoy this blog. not even going to edit this for how happy I am rite now. thank you all and peace.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I am still around.

hey folks, just letting yall know im still around, I don't really know what to blog about, so I wont rite as much as I normally do.

 I was sick, but am getting better. had a cold or whatever. but alive and still around.

remember folks, don't take things that you see on the tv or radio as fact, study it yourself. peace.

 may the light and love be with you.

--- James

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

music update.

hello yall, its james again, your crazy worced enemy of bass and video games and radio stuffs. LOL.
 so anyway, ive been doing good, so to make a long story short, I was talking to this woman who worked in the music field for 25 years and she wants to promote my stuff. incredible, seeing that most of its just solo bass.

 I love wen people jump out on a lim like that. this woman worked with michael hedges and has worked with michael manring. now thats incredible. she wants to help me. thats just, unbelieveble. thank you..

 also something of less inportents but still of great value, I am slowly managing to get to know someone on my skype and twitter who ive had on there for like 3 years LOL. its taking some time but we are getting to know each other thrue social media.

 well, this radio / bass geek is taking off for a while. take care yall. peace and regards.

 --- James