Thursday, March 13, 2014


hello there, words cant describe what this means to me, know clue why this means so much, but it does. today I was talking on ham radio as I do a lot, and I came across this station, and we chatted for a bit and I asked him, so what is this  USS LEXINGTON? he said it was a ship off the shore of southtexas and he said, james you had better log this in your logbook, I said why man? he goes because you are the first person to contact the USS LEXINGTON. so I loged them down in my logbook. no idea why this means so much to me, but it does. i'll always remember this.
 just had a nice QSO with the USS LEXINGTON, im the first person to connect outside of their normal area, what an honor.

 I cant believe it.

 well thats my day so far, yall should get your ham exams passed, fire up that radio, call for me and i'll come back if I hear you.

 73 from KC3CDV

Monday, March 10, 2014

DX contacting.

hello there, KC3CDV hear, for those of you that don't know what DX is, its a neet way of saying contacting people or as we hams like to say "stations" out of the country.
 so anyway.
 I had a DX station today from Ontario Canada on a handheld ham radio, later today I also had a contact with south wails in the UK.. now I am in the US, and thats incredible, I worked canada and also the UK all in one day, the best part? it was all on 2 meeters now thats a days hard work done.

 so glad I got my ham radio and passed the exam.

 this is KC3CDV saying 73 to everyone, and I am clear.